Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Varant Majarian seen in Pasadena Star News

When ?

When we give up what we have been holding on to... we land in a place of nothingness.. it is from here the miraculous shows up.. Contemplate.. See.. Release.. Accept.. Smile

Sunday, August 17, 2014

planning our goals?

When we are planning our goals, we are wise to think SMART: have Specific Measurable goals that are Aligned to our values and that are Realistic and Timed – SMART. To assure that you have set reasonable goals work through a goal planning worksheet to make sure that the goal you have set is truly achievable in the time frame that you have set it in


Robin Williams came to this planet and dedicated his entire life
to helping people think, feel, laugh, cry and wonder…
He got people out of themselves, and into a moment
beyond …...
Robin was the smartest guy in the room….
and the "improv" we perceived was him being
present, in his genius….an almost forgotten art..
in his 63 years Robin accomplished more than a million men
in a million lifetimes..
Robin lived.. ..
He pushed past the fears that enslave the minds of humanity.
Robin explored himself and others to incomprehensible levels…
Robin chose his life… He knew the sacrifices that came with it…
The great one's do….He was too smart not to..
Robin left this planet, the same way that he lived on it..
ON HIS terms…In HIS time. With HIs choice…
We each know "our time" inside…
Robin chose his, and because of the way he lived…..
his life on earth will go one for many lifetimes…
Thanks Robin..